
Does this mean exporting and re-importing a rpool break things? I have tried 
exporting and re-importing other pools with new names and yet haven't seen 
problems with it


----- "Cindy Swearingen" <cindy.swearin...@oracle.com> skrev:

> Hi Richard,
> Renaming the root pool is not recommended. I have some details on
> what
> actually breaks, but I can't find it now.
> This limitation is described in the ZFS Admin Guide, but under the
> LiveUpgrade section in the s10 version. I will add this limitation
> under
> the general limitation section.
> Obviously, you can't export a root pool that is in use, but you can
> boot from alternate media and rename the exported root pool when it
> is
> imported.
> I simulated this process below.
> Thanks,
> Cindy
> To restart the Solaris installation program,
> type "install-solaris".
> Solaris installation program exited.
> # zpool import
>    pool: rpool
>      id: 2186941205144212601
>   state: ONLINE
> action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric
> identifier.
> config:
>          rpool       ONLINE
>            c1t0d0s0  ONLINE
> # zpool import rpool rpool2
> cannot mount '/export': failed to create mountpoint
> cannot mount '/export/home': failed to create mountpoint
> cannot mount '/rpool': failed to create mountpoint
> # zpool status
>    pool: rpool2
>   state: ONLINE
>   scrub: none requested
> config:
>          NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>          rpool2      ONLINE       0     0     0
>            c1t0d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
> # zpool export rpool2
> # zpool import rpool2 rpool
> cannot mount '/export': failed to create mountpoint
> cannot mount '/export/home': failed to create mountpoint
> cannot mount '/rpool': failed to create mountpoint
> # zfs list
> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> rpool                         8.06G  58.9G    96K  /rpool
> rpool/ROOT                    4.50G  58.9G    21K  legacy
> rpool/ROOT/s10s_u9wos_07      4.50G  58.9G  4.49G  /
> rpool/ROOT/s10s_u9wos...@now  4.80M      -  4.49G  -
> rpool/dump                    1.50G  58.9G  1.50G  -
> rpool/export                    44K  58.9G    23K  /export
> rpool/export/home               21K  58.9G    21K  /export/home
> rpool/swap                    2.06G  60.9G    16K  -
> On 05/02/10 07:33, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> > One can rename a zpool on import
> > 
> > zpool import -f pool_or_id newname
> > 
> > Is there any way to rename it (back again, perhaps)
> > on export?
> > 
> > (I had to rename rpool in an old disk image to access
> > some stuff in it, and I'd like to put it back the way it
> > was so it's properly usable if I ever want to boot off of it.)
> > 
> > But I suppose there must be other scenarios where that would
> > be useful too...
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