> I've googled this for a bit, but can't seem to find
> the answer.
> What does compression bring to the party that dedupe
> doesn't cover already?
> Thank you for you patience and answers.

That almost sounds like a classroom question.

Pick a simple example: large text files, of which each is
unique, maybe lines of data or something.  Not likely to
be much in the way of duplicate blocks to share, but
very likely to be highly compressible.

Contrast that with binary files, which might have blocks
of zero bytes in them (without being strictly sparse, sometimes).
With deduping, one such block is all that's actually stored (along
with all the references to it, of course).

In the 30 seconds or so I've been thinking about it to type this,
I would _guess_ that one might want one or the other, but
rarely both, since compression might tend to work against deduplication.

So given the availability of both, and how lightweight zfs filesystems
are, one might want to create separate filesystems within a pool with
one or the other as appropriate, and separate the data according to
which would likely work better on it.  Also, one might as well
put compressed video, audio, and image formats in a filesystem
that was _not_ compressed, since compressing an already compressed
file seldom gains much if anything more.
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