$ swap -s
total: 473164k bytes allocated + 388916k reserved = 862080k used, 6062060k 

$ swap -l
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/dsk/c6t0d0s1   215,1         8 12594952 12594952

Can someone please do the math for me here? I am not able to figure the total.

What is "473164k bytes allocated"? Where is it allocated? In some hidden zfs 
swap FS in my root pool?
What's the magic behind the number 473164k?
What is "388916k reserved"?
862080k+6062060k != 12594952/2 - So, where did the rest of it come from? I just 
configured one device in /etc/vfstab.
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