On Jun 14, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
> Hi all
> It seems zfs scrub is taking a big bit out of I/O when running. During a 
> scrub, sync I/O, such as NFS and iSCSI is mostly useless. Attaching an SLOG 
> and some L2ARC helps this, but still, the problem remains in that the scrub 
> is given full priority.

Scrub always runs at the lowest priority. However, priority scheduling only
works before the I/Os enter the disk queue. If you are running Solaris 10 or
older releases with HDD JBODs, then the default zfs_vdev_max_pending 
is 35. This means that your slow disk will have 35 I/Os queued to it before
priority scheduling makes any difference.  Since it is a slow disk, that could
mean 250 to 1500 ms before the high priority I/O reaches the disk.

> Is this problem known to the developers? Will it be addressed?

In later OpenSolaris releases, the zfs_vdev_max_pending defaults to 10
which helps.  You can tune it lower as described in the Evil Tuning Guide.

Also, as Robert pointed out, CR 6494473 offers a more resource management
friendly way to limit scrub traffic (b143).  Everyone can buy George a beer for
implementing this change :-)

Of course, this could mean that on a busy system a scrub that formerly took
a week might now take a month.  And the fix does not directly address the 
tuning of the queue depth issue with HDDs.  TANSTAAFL.
 -- richard

Richard Elling
rich...@nexenta.com   +1-760-896-4422
ZFS and NexentaStor training, Rotterdam, July 13-15, 2010

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