On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Michael Johnson
<mjjohnson....@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm planning on running FreeBSD in VirtualBox (with a Linux host) and giving
> it raw disk access to four drives, which I plan to configure as a raidz2
> volume.
> On top of that, I'm considering using encryption.  I understand that ZFS
> doesn't yet natively support encryption, so my idea was to set each drive up
> with full-disk encryption in the Linux host (e.g., using TrueCrypt or
> dmcrypt), mount the encrypted drives, and then give the virtual machine
> access to the virtual unencrypted drives.  So the encryption would be
> transparent to FreeBSD.
> However, I don't know enough about ZFS to know if this is a good idea.  I
> know that I need to specifically configure VirtualBox to respect cache
> flushes, so that data really is on disk when ZFS expects it to be.  Would
> putting ZFS on top of full-disk encryption like this cause any problems?
>  E.g., if the (encrypted) physical disk has a problem and as a result a
> larger chunk of the unencrypted data is corrupted, would ZFS handle that
> well?  Are there any other possible consequences of this idea that I should
> know about?  (I'm not too worried about any hits in performance; I won't be
> reading or writing heavily, nor in time-sensitive applications.)
> I should add that since this is a desktop I'm not nearly as worried about
> encryption as if it were a laptop (theft or loss are less likely), but
> encryption would still be nice.  However, data integrity is the most
> important thing (I'm storing backups of my personal files on this), so if
> there's a chance that ZFS wouldn't handle errors well when on top of
> encryption, I'll just go without it.
> Thanks,
> Michael

you can also create zfs on top of GELI[1][2] devices. Create the
encrypted disks first and then use that to create zpool.

Exact steps (assuming single disk, da1):

- create the key
# dd if=/dev/random of=/root/da1.key bs=64 count=1

- initialize GELI disk, if you want to only use the key as
authentication method or automatically attach on boot, check the
reference links for initialization and configuration (-K and -b)
# geli init -s 4096 -K da1.key /dev/da1

- attach GELI disk
# geli attach -k da1.key /dev/da1

- create zpool, either directly on geli disk or by creating it on top of GPT
# zpool create securepool da1.eli

>>on top of GPT:
# gpart create -s gpt da1.eli
# gpart add -t freebsd-zfs da1.eli
# zpool create securepool da1.elip1

- adjust rc.conf and loader.conf accordingly

Another tutorial: http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=2775



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