On 07/14/10 07:10 PM, Peter Taps wrote:

This is probably a very naive question.

Is it possible to set zfs for bi-directional synchronization of data across two 
locations? I am thinking this is almost impossible. Consider two files A and B 
at two different sites. There are three possible cases that require 

    1. A is changed. B is unchanged.
    2. B is changed. A is unchanged.
    3. A is changed. B is changed.

While it is possible to achieve synchronization for the first two cases, case 3 
requires special merging and is almost impossible.

I am thinking it is the same problem even at the block level.

Even to achieve 1 and 2 is a bit tricky given the latency between the two 
sites. Is there anything in zfs that makes it easier?

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts.

Use a version control tool like hg or svn!


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