> From: Giovanni Tirloni [mailto:gtirl...@sysdroid.com]
> We have hundreds of servers using LACP and so far have not noticed any
> increase in the error rate.

If the error rate is not zero, you have an increased error rate.

In linux, you just do this:
sudo /sbin/ifconfig -a | grep errors | grep -v 'errors:0 '

All of my servers right now have error counter = 0 cumulative since last

In solaris, I had to figure out the command once before, but I forget it
now.  I remember being misled ... Seeing one error counter stay at zero,
while another error counter increased.  While we were trying to enable LACP,
we'd get one error packet per ... I guess every 1Gb or so that traversed the
LACP link.  This was fatal to ssh connections.  So unless you see a nonzero
error counter, I'm not sure how to tell you which error counter to check.
Sorry I couldn't be more informative on that ...

> Could you share what implementations (OS, switch) have you tested and
> how it was done ? I would like to try to simulate these issues.

I've done this on Dell switches, almost exclusively.  I've done it with
Linux, Solaris 10u6 x86, and I think one Netapp.  So no, I cannot exclude
Dell switches as the possible cause.  I revisit and reattempt once every few
years, always with the same result.  I simply do not use LACP anywhere.

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