On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 07:56 -0700, Hernan F wrote:
> Hi,
> Out of pure curiosity, I was wondering, what would happen if one tries to use 
> a regular 7200RPM (or 10K) drive as slog or L2ARC (or both)?
> I know these are designed with SSDs in mind, and I know it's possible to use 
> anything you want as cache. So would ZFS benefit from it? Would it be the 
> same? Would it slow down?
> I guess it would slow things down, because it would be trying to read/write 
> from a single spindle instead of a multidisk array, right? I havent found any 
> articles discussing this, only ones talking about SSD-based slogs/caches.
> Thanks,
> Hernan

I think yes, it would probably slow things down, at least for typical
usage.  However, there is a small change it might improve things by
offloading this functionality from the main spindle(s) to separate ones.
But I think you'd be better off expanding a stripe than using a disk in
this way.

        - Garrett

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