> Hi guys, I am about to reshape my data spool and am wondering what 
> performance diff. I can expect from the new config. Vs. The old.
> The old config. Is a pool of a single vdev of 8 disks raidz2.
> The new pool config is 2vdev's of 7 disk raidz2 in a single pool.
> I understand it should be better with higher io throughput....and 
> better read/write rates...but interested to hear the science behind it.
> ...
> FYI, it's just a home server....but I like it.

Some answers (and questions) are here: 

*** We need this explained in the ZFS FAQ by a Panel of Experts ***

Q: I (we) have a Home Computer and desire to use ZFS with a few large, cheap, 
(consumer-grade) Drives. What can I expect 
from 3 Drives, would I be better off with 4 or 5. Please note: I doubt I can 
afford as many as 10 Drives nor could I stuff them 
into my Box so please suggest options that use less than that many (most 
prefefably less than 7).

A: ?

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