On Jul 23, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Ruslan Sivak wrote:

> I have recently upgraded from NexentaStor 2 to NexentaStor 3 and somehow one 
> of my volumes got corrupted.  Its showing up as a socket.  Has anyone seen 
> this before?  Is there a way to get my data back?  It seems like it's still 
> there, but not recognized as a folder.  I ran zpool scrub, but it came back 
> clean.  

very strange indeed.

> Attached is the output of #zdb data/rt
> 2.0K sr-xr-xr-x 17 root root 17 Jul 21 17:43 rt
> # stat rt
>  File: `rt'
>  Size: 17              Blocks: 4          IO Block: 1536   socket
> Device: 2d90015h/47775765d      Inode: 3           Links: 17
> Access: (0555/sr-xr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
> Access: 2010-07-21 13:48:09.485116161 -0400
> Modify: 2010-07-21 17:43:13.019153434 -0400
> Change: 2010-07-22 15:50:06.222143953 -0400
> # cd rt
> bash: cd: rt: Not a directory
> # cat rt
> cat: rt: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
> a# zfs list
> NAME                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> data                     992G   828G  47.8K  /volumes/data
> ...
> data/rt                  800G   828G   800G  /volumes/data/rt
> data/rt2                    0   828G   800G  /volumes/data/rt2
> syspool                 6.31G  23.0G  35.5K  legacy
> syspool/dump            2.79G  23.0G  2.79G  -
> syspool/rootfs-nmu-000   115M  23.0G  1.32G  legacy
> syspool/rootfs-nmu-001  1.59G  23.0G  1.17G  legacy
> syspool/rootfs-nmu-002   793M  23.0G  1.17G  legacy
> syspool/swap            1.03G  24.0G    16K  -
> # zfs umount data/rt
> #ls -lahs
> ...
> 2.0K drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  2 Jul 22 16:48 rt
> 2.0K srwxr-xr-x 17 root root 17 Jul 21 17:43 rt2

If at this point data/rt is unmounted, then:
        mv rt2 rt2-bad
        zfs mount data/rt

 -- richard

> ...
> -- 
> This message posted from 
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Richard Elling
rich...@nexenta.com   +1-760-896-4422
Enterprise class storage for everyone

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