On 2010-Jul-26 20:32:41 +0800, Eugen Leitl <eu...@leitl.org> wrote:
>FreeBSD 8.1 features version 14 of the ZFS subsystem, the addition of the ZFS
>Loader (zfsloader), allowing users to boot from ZFS,

Only on i386 or amd64 systems at present, but you can boot RAIDZ1 and
RAIDZ2 as well as mirrored roots.

Note that ZFS v15 has been integrated into the development branches
(-current and 8-stable) and will be in FreeBSD 8.2 (or you can run it
now by compiling FreeBSD yourself - unlike OpenSolaris, the full build
process is documented and everything necessary is on the release DVDs
or can be downloaded).

See http://www.freebsd.org/releases/8.1R/announce.html

Peter Jeremy

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