i have 2 file systems on my primary disk / & /zones . i want to convert it to 
zfs root with live upgrade but when i live upgrade it creates the ZFS BE but 
instead of creating a separate /zones dataset it uses the same dataset from the 
primary BE (c3t1d0s3 ) ... is there any way i can do it so that i uses /zones 
in zfsBE ?  

/dev/dsk/c3t1d0s0       15G   8.5G   6.1G    58%    /
/dev/dsk/c3t1d0s3       39G    16G    23G    43%    /zones

# lustatus
Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
Sol10_u7                   yes      yes    yes       no     -
 # lucreate -c Sol10_u7 -n zfsBE -p rpool
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