I am having a similar issue at the moment.. 3 GB RAM under ESXi, but dedup for 
this zvol (1.2 T) was turned off and only 300 G was used. The pool does contain 
other datasets with dedup turned on but are small enough so I'm not hitting the 
memory limits (been there, tried that, never again without maxing out the RAM + 

Tried to destroy the zvol, waited for a long time, and due to some unexpected 
environmental problems needed to pull the plug on the box quickly to save it. 
Now the boot is at "Reading ZFS config: *" since a few days, but I have time to 
wait. ESXi monitoring confirms CPU activity but very little I/O.

My point, this particular zvol did not have deduplication turned on but it 
seems I am still hitting the same problem.


BTW this is a PoC box with nothing too important on it and I have some spare 
time, so if I can help somehow, for example with kernel debugging let me know.
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