On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 6:32 AM, Edward Ned Harvey <sh...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
> I'm confused.  I have compression enabled on a ZFS filesystem, which
> contains for all intents and purposes, just a single 20G file, and I see ...
> # ls -lh somefile
> -rw-------   1 root     root         20G Aug 13 17:41 somefile
> # du -h somefile
>  5.6G   somefile
> (Sounds like approx 25-30% of the original size to me...)
> # zfs get compressratio mypool/myzfs
> NAME                    PROPERTY       VALUE  SOURCE
> mypool/myzfs  compressratio  1.28x  -
> # zfs list | grep myzfs
> mypool/myzfs                                          5.65G  3.80T  5.65G
> /mypool/myzfs

The compressratio shows you how much *real* data was compressed.
The file in question, however, can be sparse file and have its size vastly
different from what du says, even without compression.

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