On Aug 15, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Haudy Kazemi wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a consolidated list of ZFS pool and filesystem versions, along with 
> the builds and systems they are found in. It is based on multiple online 
> sources. Some of you may find it useful in figuring out where things are at 
> across the spectrum of systems supporting ZFS including FreeBSD and FUSE. At 
> the end of this message there is a list of the builds OpenSolaris releases 
> and some OpenSolaris derivatives are based on. The list is sort-of but not 
> strictly comma delimited, and of course may contain errata.

It is nice to have the distros section, thanks.
For the versions and what they do, use the links 

zpool: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+zfs/N
zfs: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+zfs/N

But these links are dead, or at least haven't been updated since the CIC :-(

 23  Slim ZIL
 24  System attributes
 25  Improved scrub stats
 26  Improved snapshot deletion performance

 4   userquota, groupquota properties
 5   System attributes

 -- richard

> -hk
> Solaris Nevada xx = snv_xx = onnv_xx ~= testing builds for Solaris 11
> SXCE = Solaris Express Community Edition
> ZFS Pool Version, Where found (multiple), Notes about this version
> 1, Nevada/SXCE 36, Solaris 10 6/06, Initial ZFS on-disk format integrated on 
> 10/31/05. During the next six months of internal use, there were a few 
> on-disk format changes that did not result in a version number change, but 
> resulted in a flag day since earlier versions could not read the newer 
> changes. For '6389368 fat zap should use 16k blocks (with backwards 
> compatibility)' and '6390677 version number checking makes upgrades 
> challenging'
> 2, Nevada/SXCE 38, Solaris 10 10/06 (build 9), Ditto blocks (replicated 
> metadata) for '6410698 ZFS metadata needs to be more highly replicated (ditto 
> blocks)'
> 3, Nevada/SXCE 42, Solaris 10 11/06 (build 3), Hot spares and double parity 
> RAID-Z for '6405966 Hot Spare support in ZFS' and '6417978 double parity 
> RAID-Z a.k.a. RAID6' and '6288488 du reports misleading size on RAID-Z'
> 4, Nevada/SXCE 62, Solaris 10 8/07, zpool history for '6529406 zpool history 
> needs to bump the on-disk version' and '6343741 want to store a command 
> history on disk'
> 5, Nevada/SXCE 62, Solaris 10 10/08, gzip compression algorithm for '6536606 
> gzip compression for ZFS'
> 6, Nevada/SXCE 62, Solaris 10 10/08, FreeBSD 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, bootfs pool 
> property for '4929890 ZFS boot support for the x86 platform' and '6479807 
> pools need properties'
> 7, Nevada/SXCE 68, Solaris 10 10/08, Separate intent log devices for '6339640 
> Make ZIL use NVRAM when available'
> 8, Nevada/SXCE 69, Solaris 10 10/08, Delegated administration for '6349470 
> investigate non-root restore/backup'
> 9, Nevada/SXCE 77, Solaris 10 10/08, refquota and refreservation properties 
> for '6431277 want filesystem-only quotas' and '6483677 need immediate 
> reservation' and '6617183 CIFS Service - PSARC 2006/715'
> 10, Nevada/SXCE 78, OpenSolaris 2008.05, Solaris 10 5/09 (Solaris 10 10/08 
> supports ZFS version 10 except for cache devices), Cache devices for '6536054 
> second tier ("external") ARC'
> 11, Nevada/SXCE 94, OpenSolaris 2008.11, Solaris 10 10/09, Improved 
> scrub/resilver performance for '6343667 scrub/resilver has to start over when 
> a snapshot is taken'
> 12, Nevada/SXCE 96, OpenSolaris 2008.11, Solaris 10 10/09, added Snapshot 
> properties for '6701797 want user properties on snapshot'
> 13, Nevada/SXCE 98, OpenSolaris 2008.11, Solaris 10 10/09, FreeBSD 7.3+, 
> FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE, Linux ZFS-FUSE 0.5.0, added usedby properties for 
> '6730799 want user properties on snapshots' and 'PSARC/2008/518 ZFS space 
> accounting enhancements'
> 14, Nevada/SXCE 103, OpenSolaris 2009.06, Solaris 10 10/09, FreeBSD 8-STABLE, 
> 8.1-RELEASE, 9-CURRENT, added passthrough-x aclinherit property support for 
> '6765166 Need to provide mechanism to optionally inherit ACE_EXECUTE' and 
> 'PSARC 2008/659 New ZFS "passthrough-x" ACL inheritance rules'
> 15, Nevada/SXCE 114, added quota property support for '6501037 want 
> user/group quotas on ZFS' and 'PSARC 2009/204 ZFS user/group quotas & space 
> accounting'
> 16, Nevada/SXCE 116, Linux ZFS-FUSE 0.6.0, added stmf property support for 
> '6736004 zvols need an additional property for comstar support'
> 17, Nevada/SXCE 120, added triple-parity RAID-Z for '6854612 triple-parity 
> 18, Nevada/SXCE 121, Linux zfs-0.4.9, added ZFS snapshot holds for '6803121 
> want user-settable refcounts on snapshots'
> 19, Nevada/SXCE 125, added ZFS log device removal option for '6574286 
> removing a slog doesn't work'
> 20, Nevada/SXCE 128, added zle compression to support dedupe in version 21 
> for 'PSARC/2009/571 ZFS Deduplication Properties'
> 21, Nevada/SXCE 128, added deduplication properties for 'PSARC/2009/571 ZFS 
> Deduplication Properties'
> 22, Nevada/SXCE 128a, Nexenta Core Platform Beta 2, Beta 3, added zfs receive 
> properties for 'PSARC/2009/510 ZFS Received Properties'
> 23, Nevada 135, Linux ZFS-FUSE 0.6.9, added slim ZIL support for '6595532 ZIL 
> is too talkative'
> 24, Nevada 137, added support for system attributes for '6716117 ZFS needs 
> native system attribute infrastructure' and '6516171 zpl symlinks should have 
> their own object type'
> 25, Nevada ??, Nexenta Core Platform RC1
> 26, Nevada 141, Linux zfs-0.5.0
> ZFS Pool Version, OpenSolaris, Solaris 10, Description
> 1 snv_36 Solaris 10 6/06 Initial ZFS version
> 2 snv_38 Solaris 10 11/06 Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
> 3 snv_42 Solaris 10 11/06 Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
> 4 snv_62 Solaris 10 8/07 zpool history
> 5 snv_62 Solaris 10 10/08 gzip compression algorithm
> 6 snv_62 Solaris 10 10/08 bootfs pool property
> 7 snv_68 Solaris 10 10/08 Separate intent log devices
> 8 snv_69 Solaris 10 10/08 Delegated administration
> 9 snv_77 Solaris 10 10/08 refquota and refreservation properties
> 10 snv_78 Solaris 10 5/09 Cache devices
> 11 snv_94 Solaris 10 10/09 Improved scrub performance
> 12 snv_96 Solaris 10 10/09 Snapshot properties
> 13 snv_98 Solaris 10 10/09 snapused property
> 14 snv_103 Solaris 10 10/09 aclinherit passthrough-x property
> 15 snv_114 Solaris 10 10/09 user and group space accounting
> 16 snv_116 —— stmf property
> 17 snv_120 —— Triple-parity RAID-Z
> 18 snv_121 —— Snapshot user holds
> 19 snv_125 —— Log device removal
> 20 snv_128 —— zle (zero-length encoding) compression algorithm
> 21 snv_128 —— Deduplication
> 22 snv_128 —— Received properties
> 23 ?
> 24 ?
> 25 ?
> 26 ?
> ZFS Pool
> --- --------------------------------------------------------
> 1 Initial ZFS version
> 2 Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
> 3 Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
> 4 zpool history
> 5 Compression using the gzip algorithm
> 6 bootfs pool property
> 7 Separate intent log devices
> 8 Delegated administration
> 9 refquota and refreservation properties
> 10 Cache devices
> 11 Improved scrub performance
> 12 Snapshot properties
> 13 snapused property
> 14 passthrough-x aclinherit
> 15 user/group space accounting
> 16 stmf property support
> 17 Triple-parity RAID-Z
> 18 Snapshot user holds
> 19 Log device removal
> 20 Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
> 21 Deduplication
> 22 Received properties
> 23 ?
> 24 ?
> 25 ?
> 26 ?
> ZFS Filesystem Version, Where found (multiple), Notes about this version
> 1, Nevada/SXCE 36, OpenSolaris 2008.05, Solaris 10 6/06, Initial ZFS on-disk 
> format integrated on 10/31/05
> 2, Nevada/SXCE 69, OpenSolaris 2008.05, added enhanced (type-ful) directory 
> entries and zfs upgrading capability for '6572637 store object type in 
> directory entries' and 'PSARC/2007/328 zfs upgrade'
> 3, Nevada/SXCE 77, OpenSolaris 2008.05, added support for CIFS-style ACLs, 
> sharing ZFS file systems over SMB, case insensitivity, system attributes, and 
> integrated anti-virus support for '6617183 CIFS Service - PSARC 2006/715' and 
> '6546893 Solaris system attribute support' and '6417428 Case-insensitive file 
> system name lookup to support CIFS' and '6417435 DOS attributes and 
> additional timestamps to support for CIFS' and '6417442 File system 
> quarantined and modified attributes to support an integrated Anti-Virus 
> service'
> 4, Nevada/SXCE 114, Linux zfs-0.4.9, added quota property support for 
> '6501037 want user/group quotas on ZFS' and 'PSARC 2009/204 ZFS user/group 
> quotas & space accounting'
> 5, Nevada 137, Linux zfs-0.5.0, added support for System attributes for 
> '6716117 ZFS needs native system attribute infrastructure' and '6516171 zpl 
> symlinks should have their own object type'
> ZFS Filesystem versions
> --- --------------------------------------------------------
> 1 Initial ZFS filesystem version
> 2 Type-ful directory entries
> 3 Support for CIFS-style ACLs
> 4 ?
> 5 ?
> The builds OpenSolaris releases and some OpenSolaris derivatives are based on:
> OpenSolaris 2010.404-Not-Found is based on build 134. Multiple previews of 
> 2010.02 released. Final delayed indefinitely.
> OpenSolaris 2009.06 is based on b111a from mid-March 2009. Released June 1, 
> 2009. Build locked in about 10 weeks before final release.
> OpenSolaris 2008.11 is based on b101 from mid-October 2009. Released Dec 1, 
> 2008. Build locked in about 6 weeks before final release.
> OpenSolaris 2008.05 is based on b86a from mid-March 2008. Released May 5, 
> 2008. Build locked in about 7 weeks before final release.
> Nexenta Core Platform 3 RC3 is based on build 134 + patches
> Nexenta Core Platform 3 RC2 is based on build 134
> Nexenta Core Platform 3 RC1 is based on build 134
> Nexenta Core Platform 3 beta 3 is based on build 134
> NexentaCP (Core Platform) 1.0 is based on build 82
> EON (Embedded ON) NAS (Network Attached Storage)
> EON ver 0.60.0 is based on build 130
> EON ver 0.59.9 is based on build 129
> EON ver 0.59.5 is based on build 125
> EON ver 0.59.4 is based on build 124
> EON ver 0.59.3 is based on build 122
> EON ver 0.59.2 is based on build 119
> EON ver 0.59.1 is based on build 114
> EON ver 0.59.0 is based on build 110
> EON ver 0.58.9 is based on build 104
> SchilliX 0.6.3 is based on build 83
> SchilliX 0.4.4 is based on build 33
> _______________________________________________
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> zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org
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Richard Elling
rich...@nexenta.com   +1-760-896-4422
Enterprise class storage for everyone

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