
I am having trouble with a 8 disk raidz2 pool. Last week I noticed any commands that were accessing the pool's filesystems would hang (ls, df etc...). The logs showed some read errors for two of the drives. I had to power cycle the machine since I could not shut it down cleanly. After rebooting, the machine would just hang when reading the ZFS config. I was able to boot into maintenance mode using the 2009.06 live cd. Running zpool import showed the pool as degraded but that it can be imported:

 pool: ZP02
    id: 16281565776335757619
 state: DEGRADED
status: The pool was last accessed by another system.
action: The pool can be imported despite missing or damaged devices. The
        fault tolerance of the pool may be compromised if imported.
   see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-EY

        ZP02         DEGRADED
          raidz2     DEGRADED
            c11t0d0  ONLINE
            c11t1d0  ONLINE
            c11t2d0  ONLINE
            c11t3d0  UNAVAIL  corrupted data
            c11t4d0  ONLINE
            c11t5d0  ONLINE
            c11t6d0  ONLINE
            c11t7d0  UNAVAIL  corrupted data

(The pool was originally created in with SXDE 1/08).

I tried importing it with "zpool import -f ZP02". Initally, there are some drive activity lights, but then it doesn't seem that anything is happening. I let it sit for one week, but nothing ever completed. Running "zdb -l" on the drives shows that the labels are intact for t0, t1, t2, t5 and t6. t3, t4 and t7 show some "failed to read label" errors.

Is there anything I can try to get this pool imported? Is the label problem with c11t4 causing the issue (leaving me with three problem disks)? I have ordred more memory for the machine in case it is needed for the import to complete.


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