On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Bob Friesenhahn <
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:

> On Thu, 9 Sep 2010, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>> True.  But, I wonder if the settlement sets a precedent?
> No precedent has been set.
>  Certainly the lack of a successful lawsuit has *failed* to set any
>> precedent conclusively indicating that NetApp has enforceable patents
>> where ZFS is concerned.
> Right.
>  IANAL, but it seems like if Oracle and NetApp were to reach some kind of
>> licensing arrangement, then it might be construed to be anticompetitive
>> if NetApp were to fail to offer similar licensing arrangements to
>> downstream consumers?  Does anyone know if there is any basis for such a
>> theory, or are these just my idle imaginings?
> Idle imaginings.  A patent holder is not compelled to license use of the
> patent to anyone else, and can be selective regarding who gets a license.
>  As far as I know, Nexenta has not been approached by NetApp.  I'd like
>> to see what happens with Coraid ... but ultimately those conversations
>> are between Coraid and NetApp.
> There should be little doubt that NetApp's goal was to make money by suing
> Sun.  Nexenta does not have enough income/assets to make a risky lawsuit
> worthwhile.

There should be little doubt it's a complete waste of money for NetApp go to
court with a second party when the outcome of their primary lawsuit will
determine the outcome of the second.  They had absolutely nothing to gain by
suing Nexenta if they still had a pending lawsuit with Sun.  Furthermore,
unless you work as legal counsel for Nexenta, I'd say you have absolutely no
clue whether or not they received a cease and desist from NetApp.

I *STRONGLY* doubt the goal was money for NetApp.  They've got that coming
out of their ears.  It was either cross licensing issues (almost assuredly
this), or a hope to stop/slow down ZFS.

If they had, I strongly doubt it's something they would want to publicize.
 It wouldn't exactly give potential customers the warm and fuzzies.

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