Hi Ketan,

My flash archive experience is minimal, but..

This error suggest that the disk components of this pool might have some
SVM remnants. Is that possible? I would check with the metastat command,
review /etc/vfstab, or /etc/lu/ICF.* to see if they are referencing
meta devices.



On 09/28/10 03:20, Ketan wrote:
I have created a solaris9 zfs root flash archive for sun4v environment which i 
'm tryin to use for upgrading solaris10 u8 zfs root based server using live 

following is my current system status

Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
zfsBE                      yes      yes    yes       no     -
zfsBEu9                    yes      no     no        yes    -

when i try to upgrade the with luupgrade i get following error

luupgrade -f -n zfsBEu9 -s /mnt -a /flash/zfsBEu9.flar

63521 blocks
miniroot filesystem is <lofs>
Mounting miniroot at </mnt/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot>
Validating the contents of the media </mnt>.
The media is a standard Solaris media.
Validating the contents of the miniroot </mnt/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot>.
Locating the flash install program.
Checking for existence of previously scheduled Live Upgrade requests.
Constructing flash profile to use.
Creating flash profile for BE <zfsBEu9>.
Performing the operating system flash install of the BE <zfsBEu9>.
CAUTION: Interrupting this process may leave the boot environment unstable or 
ERROR: The flash install failed; pfinstall returned these diagnostics:

ERROR: Field 2 - Invalid disk name (zfsBEu9)
The Solaris flash install of the BE <zfsBEu9> failed.

What could be the reason for this .. is there anything i 'm not doin k ?
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