Thanks for taking an interest. Answers below.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 9:01 PM, George Wilson

> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Tuomas Leikola 
> <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>      (continuous resilver loop) has been going on for a week now, always
>> restarting when it
>>    should complete.
>>    The questions in my mind atm:
>>    1. How can i determine the cause for each resilver? Is there a log?
> If you're running OI b147 then you should be able to do the following:
> # echo "::zfs_dbgmsg" | mdb -k > /var/tmp/dbg.out
> Send me the output.

Sending verbose output in a separate email. I'm not very familiar with this
but it does show some "restarting" lines.

>    2. Why does it resilver the same data over and over, and not just
>>    the changed bits?
> If you're having drives fail prior to the initial resilver finishing then
> it will restart and do all the work over again. Are drives still failing
> randomly for you?
Drives haven't been dropping since the initial incidents. It's run to
completion a few times now without (visible) issues with the drives.

Then again I think there is some magic to reinsert a device back into the
array if there is some intermittent SATA disconnection.

>>    3. Can i force remove c9d1 as it is no longer needed but c11t3 can
>>    be resilvered instead?
> You can detach the spare and let the resilver work on only c11t3. Can you
> send me the output of 'zdb -dddd tank 0'?

Detach commands complain there's not enough replicas. Of course I can
physically remove the device, at which point a scrub would suffice (the
disks must be relatively well up-to-date by now..)

Sending zdb output in a separate mail as soon as it completes..
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