>>>>> "dm" == David Magda <dma...@ee.ryerson.ca> writes:

    dm> Thank you Mr. Moffat et al. Hopefully the rest of us will be
    dm> able to bang on this at some point. :)

Thanks for the heads-up on the gossip.  

This etiquette seems weird, though: I don't thank Microsoft for
releasing a new version of Word.  I'll postpone my thanks for 2 years
until the source is released, though by then who knows if I'll still
be using ZFS at all.

Maybe more appropriate would be: congrats on finally finishing your
seven-year project, Darren!  must be a huge relief.

I'm glad it wasn't my project, though.  If I were in Darren's place
I'd have signed on to work for an open-source company, spent seven
years of my life working on something, delaying it and pushing hard to
make it a generation beyond other filesystem crypto, and then when I'm
finally done, <yoink!>.  

That's me, though.  I shouldn't speculate on someone else's situation.
Maybe he signed on under different circumstances, or delayed for
different reasons than feature-ambition, or cares about different
things than I do.  I only mean to make an example of how politics,
featuresets, and IT planning interact to make an ecosystem that's got
more complicated implications than just a bulleted list of features
and a license with an OSI logo.

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