> >     TLER (the ability of the drive to timeout a command)
> I went and got what detailed documentation I could on a couple of the
> Seagate drives last night, and I couldn't find anything on how they
> behaved in that sort of error cases. (I believe TLER is a WD-specific
> term, but I didn't just search, I read them through.)
> So that's inconvenient. How do we find out about that sort of thing?

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TLER

 Similar technologies are called Error Recovery Control (ERC), used by 
competitor Seagate, and Command Completion Time Limit (CCTL), used by Samsung 
and Hitachi.

I haven't checked which drives have those abilities, though...

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det er 
et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
relevante synonymer på norsk.
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