I have a 24 x 1TB system being used as an NFS file server. Seagate SAS disks 
connected via an LSI 9211-8i SAS controller, disk layout 2 x 11 disk RAIDZ2 + 2 
spares. I am using 2 x DDR Drive X1s as the ZIL. When we write anything to it, 
the writes are always very bursty like this:

ool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0    232      0  29.0M
xpool        488K  20.0T      0    101      0  12.7M
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0     50      0  6.37M
xpool        488K  20.0T      0    477      0  59.7M
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool        488K  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0    702      0  76.2M
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0    577      0  72.2M
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0    110      0  13.9M
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0      0      0      0
xpool       74.7M  20.0T      0      0      0      0

Whenever you see 0 the write is just hanging. What I would like to see is at 
least some writing happening every second. What can I look at for this issue?

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