On Wed, Oct  6 at 22:04, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
* Because ZFS automatically buffers writes in ram in order to
aggregate as previously mentioned, the hardware WB cache is not
beneficial.  There is one exception.  If you are doing sync writes
to spindle disks, and you don't have a dedicated log device, then
the WB cache will benefit you, approx half as much as you would
benefit by adding dedicated log device.  The sync write sort-of
by-passes the ram buffer, and that's the reason why the WB is able
to do some good in the case of sync writes.

All of your comments made sense except for this one.

Every N seconds when the system decides to burst writes to media from
RAM, those writes are only sequential in the case where the underlying
storage devices are significantly empty.

Once you're in a situation where your allocations are scattered across
the disk due to longer-term fragmentation, I don't see any way that a
write cache would hurt performances on the devices, since it'd allow
the drive to reorder writes to the media within that burst of data.

Even though ZFS is issuing writes of ~256 sectors if it can, that is
only a fraction of a revolution on a modern drive, so random writes of
128KB still have significant opportunity for reordering optimization.

Granted, with NCQ or TCQ you can get back much of the cache-disabled
performance loss, however, in any system that implements an internal
queue depth greater than the protocol-allowed queue depth, there is
opportunity for improvement, to an asymptotic limit driven by servo
settle speed.

Obviously this performance improvement comes with the standard WB
risks, and YMMV, IANAL, etc.


Eric D. Mudama

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