Using snv_111b and yesterday both the Mac OS X Finder and Solaris File Browser 
started reporting that I had 0 space available on the SMB shares.  Earlier in 
the day I had copied some files from the Mac to the SMB shares and no problems 
reported by the Mac (Automator will report errors if the destination is full 
and it is unable to copy the remaining files).  Later I tried to move a folder 
from one share to another share and the Mac Finder crashed and restarted.  I 
tried it again and after the Finder counted the number of files it was going to 
move, it reported that there wasn't enough space available when there should 
have been.  Now, I know I did at least one thing I had not intended: dragging 
from one share to another will not MOVE, but will instead COPY.  That was not 
my intention.

I have 5 shares on the pool (data, movies, music, photos, scans) and zfs list 
mediaz1 4.00T  0
data 760k 0
movies 2.57T 0
music 874G 0
photos 360G 0
scans 235G 0

zpool list reports:
mediaz1 5.44T 5.35T 86.7G


zpool iostat reports:
pool used avail operations read write bandwidth read write
mediaz1 5.35T 86.7G 248 2 30.1M 10.4k

There should be about 86G free and that sounds about right, but I don't 
understand why the GUI Finder and File browser report 0 as does zfs list.  And 
how do I correct this or myself?


BTW, I DID search the forums and Google and did not find a solution.
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