If the pool is non-redundant and your vdev has failed, you have lost your data. 
Just rebuild the pool, but consider a redundant configuration. 

On Oct 15, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Cassandra Pugh wrote:

> Hello, 
> I would like to know how to replace a failed vdev in a non redundant pool?
> I am using fiber attached disks, and cannot simply place the disk back into 
> the machine, since it is virtual.  
> I have the latest kernel from sept 2010 that includes all of the new ZFS 
> upgrades.
> Please, can you help me?
> -
> Cassandra
> (609) 243-2413
> Unix Administrator
> "From a little spark may burst a mighty flame."
> -Dante Alighieri 
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