I have a zpool that once it hit 96% full the performance degraded horribly.  
So, in order to get things better I'm trying to clear out some space.  The 
problem I have is after I've deleted a directory it no longer shows on the 
filesystem level (ls) but the free space isn't cleared up.  After a reboot, the 
directory is back.

u...@server:/tank# df -h /tank
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tank                  5.4T  5.3T  124G  98% /tank
u...@server:/tank# du -csh directory_to_clear
18G    directory_to_clear
18G     total
u...@server:/tank# rm -Rf directory_to_clear
u...@server:/tank# df -h /tank
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tank                  5.4T  5.3T  124G  98% /tank
u...@server:/tank# zfs list -r -t snapshot tank
no datasets available

zfs version 3, zpool version 22, opensolaris build 130.

Any thoughts?
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