On Nov 2, 2010, at 12:10 AM, Ian Collins wrote:

> On 11/ 2/10 08:33 AM, Mark Sandrock wrote:
>> I'm working with someone who replaced a failed 1TB drive (50% utilized),
>> on an X4540 running OS build 134, and I think something must be wrong.
>> Last Tuesday afternoon, zpool status reported:
>> scrub: resilver in progress for 306h0m, 63.87% done, 173h7m to go
>> and a week being 168 hours, that put completion at sometime tomorrow night.
>> However, he just reported zpool status shows:
>> scrub: resilver in progress for 447h26m, 65.07% done, 240h10m to go
>> so it's looking more like 2011 now. That can't be right.

> How is the pool configured?

Both 10 and 12 disk RAIDZ-2. That, plus too much other io
must be the problem. I'm thinking 5 x (7-2) would be better,
assuming he doesn't want to go RAID-10.

Thanks much for all the helpful replies.

> I look after a very busy x5400 with 500G drives configured as 8 drive raidz2 
> and these take about 100 hours to resilver.  The workload on this box is 
> probably worst case for resivering, it receives a steady stream of snapshots.
> -- 
> Ian.
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