Hi All
  I have written Following program so that fun() gets called by every 10 mili 
seconds.But after executing the program I Found its calling the function after 
20 mili seconds.If I specify timeinterval as 20 mili second in XtAppAddTimeOut 
function its calling fun method after 30 mili seconds.
Here is my Code :

XtIntervalId main_timer;
static XtAppContext app_context;
unsigned long interval=10;
void setup();
void fun()
         time_t curtime;
         char buffer[30];
         struct timeval tv;
         gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

         strftime(buffer,30,"%m-%d-%Y  %T.",localtime(&curtime));
        cout<<buffer<<"-"<<tv.tv_usec/1000<<"##EXIT##Received SIGTERM 
        //LOG_AXIS_INFO("##EXIT##Received SIGTERM signal");

void TimeOutCB(XtPointer  cl_data, XtIntervalId *timer)

void setup()
        XtAppAddTimeOut(app_context, interval, TimeOutCB, NULL);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         argc = 2;
         char* argv1[]  = {"One", "Two"};

        XtVaAppInitialize (&app_context, "ConfigFileReaderTest", NULL, 0, 
&argc, argv1, NULL, NULL);
//      signal( SIGTERM, handleSigTerm );
                        XtAppProcessEvent(app_context, XtIMAll);
                return 0;

X11 library I am using is ./libX11.so.5.
Enterprise Solaris Version is Solaris 10 update 9  

Can you please suggest whether there is any fix for it .As same code I have 
seen is working with Linux .
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