2010/12/8  <gon...@comcast.net>:
> To explain further the  slow delete problem:
> It is absolutely critical for zfs to manage the incoming data rate.
> This is done reasonably well for write transactions.
> Delete transactions, prior to dedup, were very light-weight, nearly free,
> so these are not managed.
> Because of dedup,  deletes become rather expensive, because they introduce a
> substantial seek penalty. Mostly because the need to update the dedupe
> meta data (reference counts and such)
> The mechanism of the problem:
> 1) Too many delete transactions are accepted into the
> open transaction group.
> 2) When this txg comes up to be synced to disk, the sync takes a very long
> time.
> ( instead of a healthy 1-2 seconds, minutes, hours or days)

Ok, had to look that one up, but the fog starts clearing up.
I reckon in zfs land, a command like "sync" has no effect at all?

> 3) Because the open txg can not be closed while the sync of a previous txg
> is in progress, eventually we run out of buffer space in the open txg, and all
> input is severely throttled.
> 4) Because of (3) other bad things happen, like the arc tries to shrink,
> memory shortage, making things worse.

Yes... I see... speaking of which: the arc size on my system would be
1685483656 bytes - that's 1.6 GB in a system with 6 GB, with 3942 MB
allocated to the kernel (dixit mdb's ::memstat module). So can i
assume that the better part of the rest is allocated in buffers that
needlessly fill up over time? I'd much rather have the memory used for
ARC :)

> 5) Because delete-s persist across reboots, you are unable to mount your
> pool
> Once solution is booting into maintenance mode, and renaming the zfs cache
> file (look in /etc/zfs, I forget the name at the moment)
> You can then boot up and import your pool. The import will take a long time
> but meanwhile you are up and can do other things.
> At that point you have the option of getting rid of the pool and starting
> over
> ( possibly installing a better kernel and starting over)..
> After update, and import, update your pool to the current pool version
> and life will be much better.

By now, the system booted up. It has taken quit a few hours though.
This system is actually running Nexenta but I'll see if I can upgrade
the kernel.

> I hope this helps, good luck

It clarified a few things. Thank you very much. There are one or two
things I still have to change on this system it seems...

> In addition, there was virtual memory related bug (allocating one of the zfs
> memory caches with the wrong object size) that would cause other
> components to hang, waiting for memory allocations.
> This was so bad in earlier kernels that systems would become unresponsive
> for
> a potentially very long time ( a phenomenon known as "bricking").
> As I recall a lot fo fixes came in in the 140 series kernels to fix this.
> Anything 145 and above should be OK.

I'm on 134f. No wonder.

Frank Van Damme
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