On Jan 7, 2011, at 6:13 AM, David Magda wrote:

> On Fri, January 7, 2011 01:42, Michael DeMan wrote:
>> Then - there is the other side of things.  The 'black swan' event.  At
>> some point, given percentages on a scenario like the example case above,
>> one simply has to make the business justification case internally at their
>> own company about whether to go SHA-256 only or Fletcher+Verification?
>> Add Murphy's Law to the 'black swan event' and of course the only data
>> that is lost is that .01% of your data that is the most critical?
> The other thing to note is that by default (with de-dupe disabled), ZFS
> uses Fletcher checksums to prevent data corruption. Add also the fact all
> other file systems don't have any checksums, and simply rely on the fact
> that disks have a bit error rate of (at best) 10^-16.
Agreed - but I think it is still missing the point of what the original poster 
was asking about.

In all honesty I think the debate is a business decision - the highly 
improbable vs. certainty.

Somebody somewhere must have written this stuff up, along with simple use cases?
Perhaps even a new acronym?  MTBC - mean time before collision?

And even with the 'certainty' factor being the choice - other things like human 
error come in to play and are far riskier?

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