Thanks everyone, I think overtime I'm gonna update the system to include an ssd 
for sure. Memory may come later though. Thanks for everyone's responses

Erik Trimble <> wrote:

>On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 15:11 +0000, Michael Armstrong wrote:
>> I've since turned off dedup, added another 3 drives and results have 
>> improved to around 148388K/sec on average, would turning on compression make 
>> things more CPU bound and improve performance further?
>> On 18 Jan 2011, at 15:07, Richard Elling wrote:
>> > On Jan 15, 2011, at 4:21 PM, Michael Armstrong wrote:
>> > 
>> >> Hi guys, sorry in advance if this is somewhat a lowly question, I've 
>> >> recently built a zfs test box based on nexentastor with 4x samsung 2tb 
>> >> drives connected via SATA-II in a raidz1 configuration with dedup enabled 
>> >> compression off and pool version 23. From running bonnie++ I get the 
>> >> following results:
>> >> 
>> >> Version 1.03b       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- 
>> >> --Random-
>> >>                   -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- 
>> >> --Seeks--
>> >> Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  
>> >> /sec %CP
>> >> nexentastor      4G 60582  54 20502   4 12385   3 53901  57 105290  10 
>> >> 429.8   1
>> >>                   ------Sequential Create------ --------Random 
>> >> Create--------
>> >>                   -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- 
>> >> -Delete--
>> >>             files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec 
>> >> %CP
>> >>                16  7181  29 +++++ +++ +++++ +++ 21477  97 +++++ +++ +++++ 
>> >> +++
>> >> nexentastor,4G,60582,54,20502,4,12385,3,53901,57,105290,10,429.8,1,16,7181,29,+++++,+++,+++++,+++,21477,97,+++++,+++,+++++,+++
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> I'd expect more than 105290K/s on a sequential read as a peak for a 
>> >> single drive, let alone a striped set. The system has a relatively decent 
>> >> CPU, however only 2GB memory, do you think increasing this to 4GB would 
>> >> noticeably affect performance of my zpool? The memory is only DDR1.
>> > 
>> > 2GB or 4GB of RAM + dedup is a recipe for pain. Do yourself a favor, turn 
>> > off dedup
>> > and enable compression.
>> > -- richard
>> > 
>> _______________________________________________
>> zfs-discuss mailing list
>Compression will help speed things up (I/O, that is), presuming that
>you're not already CPU-bound, which it doesn't seem you are.
>If you want Dedup, you pretty much are required to buy an SSD for L2ARC,
>*and* get more RAM.
>These days, I really don't recommend running ZFS as a fileserver without
>a bare minimum of 4GB of RAM (8GB for anything other than light use),
>even with Dedup turned off. 
>Erik Trimble
>Java System Support
>Mailstop:  usca22-317
>Phone:  x67195
>Santa Clara, CA
>Timezone: US/Pacific (GMT-0800)
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