On Fri, 25 Feb 2011, Brandon High wrote:

> You might want to consider eSATA. Port multipliers are supported in
> recent builds (128+ I think), and will give better performance than
> USB. I'm not sure if PMP are supported on Sparc though., since it
> requires support in both the controller and PMP.

OK, the main thing I'm getting here is that USB isn't a particularly
reliable connection, and that eSATA would be a better way to go.  I
only mentioned USB/FireWire because those ports are already on the HW
and I wouldn't have to buy an extra HBA.  But if the cost isn't too
great, I'd be happy to look at eSATA-connected external drives too (and
would proabbyl go that route if I can find appropriate HW).

So the question is, what eSATA non-RAID HBA do people recommend?  Bear
in mind that I'm looking for something with driver support "out of the
box" with either the latest Solaris 10, or Solaris 11 Express.

The SB1000 has only PCI and PCI-X slots IIRC, but the Ultra 20 (or Ultra
20 M2; I have one of each) also has PCI Express.

Assuming the use of eSATA enclosures do do people recommend?  I don't
need huge amounts of space; two drives should be enough and four will
be plenty and allow for expansion.  Again, I'm looking for a JBOD coz
I want ZFS do all the work.

> What about an inexpensive SAS card (eg: Supermicro AOC-USAS-L4i) and
> external SAS enclosure (eg: Sans Digital TowerRAID TR4X). It would
> cost about $350 for the setup.

Oooh, that's worth looking at too.  Thanks!

Rich Teer, Publisher
Vinylphile Magazine

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