> After modifications that I hope are corrections, I think the post
> should look like this:
> The rule-of-thumb is 270 bytes/DDT entry, and 200 bytes of ARC for
> every L2ARC entry.
> DDT doesn't count for this ARC space usage
> E.g.: I have 1TB of 4k blocks that are to be deduped, and it turns out
> that I have about a 5:1 dedup ratio. I'd also like to see how much ARC
> usage I eat up with a 160GB L2ARC.
> (1) How many entries are there in the DDT:
> 1TB of 4k blocks means there are 268million blocks. However, at a 5:1
> dedup ratio, I'm only actually storing 20% of that, so I have about 54
> million blocks. Thus, I need a DDT of about 270bytes * 54 million =~
> 14GB in size
> (2) My L2ARC is 160GB in size, but I'm using 14GB for the DDT. Thus, I
> have 146GB free for use as a data cache. 146GB / 4k =~ 38 million
> blocks can be stored in the
> remaining L2ARC space. However, 38 million files takes up: 200bytes *
> 38 million =~ 7GB of space in ARC.
> Thus, I better spec my system with (whatever base RAM for basic OS and
> cache and application requirements) + 14G because of dedup + 7G
> because of L2ARC.

Thanks, but one more ting: Add some tuning parameters, such as "set 
zfs:zfs_arc_meta_limit = somevalue in /etc/system" to help zfs use more memory 
for its metadata (like the DDT), as it won't use more than (RAM-1GB)/4 by 

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det er 
et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
relevante synonymer på norsk.
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