On 5/3/2011 8:55 AM, Brandon High wrote:
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 5:47 AM, Joerg Schilling
<joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de>  wrote:
But this is most likely slower than star and does rsync support sparse files?
'rsync -ASHXavP'

-A: ACLs
-S: Sparse files
-H: Hard links
-X: Xattrs
-a: archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)

You don't need to specify --whole-file, it's implied when copying on
the same system. --inplace can play badly with hard links and
shouldn't be used.

It probably will be slower than other options but it may be more
accurate, especially with -H


rsync is indeed slower than star; so far as I can tell, this is due almost exclusively to the fact that rsync needs to build an in-memory table of all work being done *before* it starts to copy. After that, it copies at about the same rate as star (my observations). I'd have to look at the code, but rsync appears to internally buffer a signification amount (due to its expect network use pattern), which helps for ZFS copying. The one thing I'm not sure of is whether rsync uses a socket, pipe, or semaphore method when doing same-host copying. I presume socket (which would slightly slow it down vs star).

That said, rsync is really the only solution if you have a partial or interrupted copy. It's also really the best method to do verification.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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