On May 9, 2011, at 12:29 PM, Chris Forgeron wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm on FreeBSD 9 with ZFS v28, and it's possible this combination is causing 
> my issue, but I thought I'd start here first and will cross-post to the 
> FreeBSD ZFS threads if the Solaris crowd thinks this is a FreeBSD problem.
> The issue: From carefully watching my ARC/L2ARC size and activity when I set 
> primarycache=metadata and secondarycache=all, the secondarycache isn't acting 
> like "all", it's just metadata.
> I've read a lot on the functionality of the ARC/L2ARC, and I know that L2ARC 
> is filled by a scanning the ARC for soon to expire objects, and then copying 
> them to the L2ARC.
> There is my first question:
> Q1 - Doesn't this behavior mean that the L2ARC can never get data objects if 
> the ARC doesn't hold them?


> Is setting primary to metadata and secondary to all an impossible request?

Today, this is not how it is implemented. However, it is open source :-)
The current architecture allows the L2ARC fill to not impact the normal ARC 
If you implement a policy that says "only use the L2ARC to cache data" then you 
implicitly requiring the write bandwidth of the L2ARC to be faster than the 
read bandwidth 
of the pool -- not likely to be a winning combination. This isn't a problem for 
the ARC because
it has memory bandwidth, which is, of course, always greater than I/O bandwidth.

> I believe the user data still goes through the ARC, it's just not kept when 
> primarycache=metadata. 


> I should back up and explain what I have, and what I'm trying to do. 
> I'm running a 24 gig ZFS system with a 20 TB pool, roughly 12 TB full.  It's 
> serving NFS data to an ESX server for my various VM's and it's running great, 
> albeit a bit slow. I have 4 120 gig SSD's as my L2ARC.
> I'm estimating my DeDeuplicationTable (DDT) needs to be well over 24 gigs, 
> and with the default primary and secondary cache settings of "all" there is a 
> lot of churning of both the ARC and L2ARC. I can see it on my L2ARC SSD 
> drives, as they all fill up within a day, and stay chock full as the server 
> continues to run 50+ VM's.  However, there is so much user data to be 
> accessed, that it keeps a constant pressure on the metadata, and eventually 
> the user data flowing in erodes most of the metadata. 
> I'm trying to make sure my DDT is as available as possible without putting 
> more RAM in this server. If I can dedicate my ARC to holding as much of the 
> DDT as possible, and then use my L2ARC for any DDT overflow, and then lastly 
> for data, I'd be happy with the performance.  I understand there's a 
> performance hit here over RAM. 
> When I set primarycache and secondarycache both to metadata, I find that my 
> L2ARC drives fill up to around 20 Gig Each, for a total of 80 gigs on my 
> L2ARC, and it won't go any further than this, no matter how hard I beat on 
> it. 
> However, when I set primarycache=metadata and secondarycache=all, I find the 
> same behavior as setting both to metadata. My L2ARC's doesn't budge past 20 
> Gigs each.
> I'm familiar with arc_meta_used and arc_meta_limit. I've increased my 
> arc_meta_limit to be 75% of my ARC, as I'm not interested in caching data in 
> the ARC. I can watch arc_meta_used drop when I set primarycache=all, due to 
> the pressure of the data objects pushing out the metadata, and setting 
> primarycache=metadata allows the arc_meta_used to grow back to it's limit. 
> Q2 is basically: What's the best way to keep as much of the DDT live in ARC 
> and L2ARC without buying more RAM? 
> Hopefully I'm not dismissed with "Just buy more RAM", which I can see as a 
> valid point in a lot of situations where people are running on 4 and 8 gig 
> systems and trying to access 12+ TB of data in a DeDupe situation. 


> Keeping my RAM at 24 gigs isn't just a budget request, but it also the max 
> RAM you can get in most workstation boards these days, and it's moving in the 
> direction of better energy usage and heat generation, as my 120 Gig SSD's 
> burn a fraction of the power than another 24 gigs of DDR3 will.  

Perhaps use the tool designed for the task?
 -- richard

> Even if I added more RAM, I'd still have this problem. Say I have 196 Gigs of 
> RAM in this server, and I want to dedicate the ARC just to metadata, and the 
> L2ARC to user data. From my experiments, this wouldn't work. As I keep 
> scaling up this server, it will keep eroding the metadata as userdata pours 
> through the cache system. 
> I think the ultimate would be cache priority - Setting metadata to be the 
> most important, and then user data as secondary importance, so that it never 
> evicts any metadata from ARC/L2ARC for user data, however I don't think this 
> is possible today, and I'm unsure if it's on the drawing board. 
> Your input is appreciated. 
> Thanks. 
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