So y my system is not coming up .. i jumpstarted the system again ...  but it 
panics like earlier .. so how should i recover it .. and get it up ? 

System was booted from network into single user mode and then rpool imported 
and following is the listing 

# zpool list
rpool    68G  4.08G  63.9G     5%  ONLINE  -
# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                     9.15G  57.8G    98K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                4.08G  57.8G    21K  /rpool/ROOT
rpool/ROOT/zfsBE_patched  4.08G  57.8G  4.08G  /
rpool/dump                3.01G  60.8G    16K  -
rpool/swap                2.06G  59.9G    16K  -

Dataset mos [META], ID 0, cr_txg 4, 137K, 62 objects
Dataset rpool/ROOT/zfsBE_patched [ZPL], ID 47, cr_txg 40, 4.08G, 110376 objects
Dataset rpool/ROOT [ZPL], ID 39, cr_txg 32, 21.0K, 4 objects
Dataset rpool/dump [ZVOL], ID 71, cr_txg 74, 16K, 2 objects
Dataset rpool/swap [ZVOL], ID 65, cr_txg 71, 16K, 2 objects
Dataset rpool [ZPL], ID 16, cr_txg 1, 98.0K, 10 objects

But when system is rebooted it again panics .. Is there any way to recover it ? 
I tried all the things which i know 

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_142900-13 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
NOTICE: zfs_parse_bootfs: error 48
Cannot mount root on rpool/47 fstype zfs

panic[cpu0]/thread=180e000: vfs_mountroot: cannot mount root
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