On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Richard Elling
<richard.ell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 19, 2011, at 2:09 PM, Paul Kraus <p...@kraus-haus.org> wrote:

>>    Is there a way (other than zpool online) to kick ZFS into
>> rescanning the LUNs ?
> zpool clear poolname

    I am unclear on when clear is the right command vs online. I have
not gotten consistent information from Oracle. Can Richard (or someone
else) please summarize here, thanks.


>>    If I had realized the entire 3511 array had gone away and that we
>> would be restarting it, I would NOT have attempted to replace the
>> faulted LUN and we would probably be OK.
> yes

    Yeah, hindsight and all that. But at the moment I hit return on
the zpool replace we still only had one of three trays faulted on the
3511 ... sigh.


>> P.S. The other zpools on the box are still up and running. The ones
>> that had deviceson the faulted 3511 are degraded but online, the ones
>> that did not have devices on the faulted 3511 are OK. Because of these
>> other zpools we can't really reboot the box or pull the FC
>> connections.
> Reboot isn't needed, this isn't a PeeCee :-)

    Oracle support recommended a reboot (which did clear the ZFS
issue). I was not at the office to try to get a better solution out of

    Now this morning, the original tray in the 3511 that failed is
offline again, but .... this time it is not the bug we have run into,
but a genuine failure of more than one drive in a RAID set. So now I
am zpool replacing the faulted LUNs (and have asked that no one reboot
any 3511's until I am done :-)

Paul Kraus
-> Senior Systems Architect, Garnet River ( http://www.garnetriver.com/ )
-> Sound Coordinator, Schenectady Light Opera Company (
http://www.sloctheater.org/ )
-> Technical Advisor, RPI Players
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