On 29/05/2011 19:55, BIll Palin wrote:
I'm migrating some filesystems from UFS to ZFS and I'm not sure how to create a 
couple of them.

I want to migrate /, /var, /opt, /export/home and also want swap and /tmp.  I 
don't care about any of the others.

The first disk, and the one with the UFS filesystems, is c0t0d0 and the 2nd 
disk is c0t1d0.

I've been told that /tmp is supposed to be part of swap.  So far I have:

lucreate -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0:ufs -m /var:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3:ufs -m 
/export/home:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5:ufs -m /opt:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4:ufs -m 
-:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2:swap -m /tmp:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s3:swap-n zfsBE -p rootpool

And then set quotas for them.  Is this right?
So zfs root is very different, one cannot have a mix of ufs + zvol based swap at all.
and lucreate is a bit restricted, one cannot split out /var.

The only one that works is
lucreate -n zfsBE -p rpool

where rpool is an SMI based pool.
To check for SMI run format, select the rpool disk and p, p, then check if it lists cylinders ( SMI ), if not run format -e on the disk and label ( delete rpool first if it all ready exists ), then preferrably ( but not necessary ), put all space in slice 0 say ( so that rpool has the whole disk ).

Post boot of zfsBE, one can modify the swap and dump zvols ( look on google for zfs root swap ).

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