> Hi. I have a development system on Intel commodity hardware with 
> a 500G ZFS
> root mirror. I have another 500G drive same as the other two. Is 
> there any
> way to use this disk to good advantage in this box? I don't 
> think I need any
> more redundancy, I would like to increase performance if 
> possible. I have
> only one SATA port left so I can only use 3 drives total unless 
> I buy a PCI
> card. Would you please advise me. Many thanks.

Well, you can use this drive as a separate "scratch area", as a separate
single-disk pool, without redundancy. You'd have a separate spindle
for some dedicated tasks with data you're okay with losing.
You can also make the rpool a three-way mirror which may increase
read speeds if you have enough concurrentcy. And when one drive 
breaks, your rpool is still mirrored.
//Jim Klimov
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