In message <444915109.61308252125289.JavaMail.Twebapp@sf-app1>, Clive Meredith 
>I currently run a duel boot machine with a 45Gb partition for Win7 Ultimate an
>d a 25Gb partition for OpenSolaris 10 (134).  I need to shrink NTFS to 20Gb an
>d increase the ZFS partion to 45Gb.  Is this possible please?  I have looked a
>t using the partition tool in OpenSolaris but both partition are locked, even 
>under admin.  Win7 won't allow me to shrink the dynamic volume, as the Finsh b
>utton is always greyed out, so no luck in that direction.

Shrink the NTFS filesystem first.
I've used the Knoppix LiveCD against a defragmented NTFS.

Then use beadm(1M) to duplicate your OpenSolaris BE to
a USB drive and also send snapshots of any other rpool ZFS

Then I would boot the USB drive, run format, fdisk and recreate
the Solaris fdisk partition on your system, recreate the rpool
on slice 0 of that fdisk partition, use beadm(1M) to copy
your BE back to your new rpool, and then restore any other ZFS
from those snapshots.


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