Thanks for this pointer ... I have been looking for a small (low
power) "server" for a bit now and did not realize that HP had anything
in the line below the ML-1xx.

    One of the reviews at the HP site note that the 5.25" media bay is
IDE only (from a BIOS perspective), can you confirm or deny this ? I
really want 6 drives (2 x 250 GB OS, 4 x 1 TB data), and using the
5.25" bay plus the eSata I can get there. Although if I can use a
couple 16 GB USB flash drives for OS I *might* go that route.

I am not planning on using encryption, so the CPU is probably not a
limitation for me.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Roberto Waltman <> wrote:
> I recently bought an HP Proliant Microserver for a home file server.
> ( pics and more here:
> )
> I installed 5 1.5TB (5900 RPM) drives, upgraded the memory to 8GB, and
> installed Solaris 11 Express without a hitch.
> A few simple tests using "dd" with 1gb and 2gb files showed excellent
> transfer rates: ~200 MB/sec on a 5 drive raidz2 pool, ~310 MB/sec on a five
> drive pool with no redundancy.
> That is, until I enabled encryption, which brought the transfer rates down
> to around 20 MB/sec...

Paul Kraus
-> Senior Systems Architect, Garnet River ( )
-> Sound Coordinator, Schenectady Light Opera Company ( )
-> Technical Advisor, RPI Players
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