On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:28 PM,  <casper....@oracle.com> wrote:
>>Bullshit. I just got a OCZ Vertex 3, and the first fill was 450-500MB/s.
>>Second and sequent fills are at half that speed. I'm quite confident
>>that it's due to the flash erase cycle that's needed, and if stuff can
>>be TRIM:ed (and thus flash erased as well), speed would be regained.
>>Overwriting an previously used block requires a flash erase, and if that
>>can be done in the background when the timing is not critical instead of
>>just before you can actually write the block you want, performance will
> I think TRIM is needed both for flash (for speed) and for
> thin provisioning; ZFS will dirty all of the volume even though only a
> small part of the volume is used at any particular time.  That makes ZFS
> more or less unusable with thin provisioning; support for TRIM would fix
> that if the underlying volume management supports TRIM.
> Casper

Shouldn't modern SSD controllers be smart enough already that they know:
- if there's a request to overwrite a sector, then the old data on
that sector is no longer needed
- allocate a "clean" sector from pool of available sectors (part of
wear-leveling mechanism)
- clear the old sector, and add it to the pool (possibly done in
background operation)

It seems to be the case with sandforce-based SSDs. That would pretty
much let the SSD work just fine even without TRIM (like when used
under HW raid).

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