On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 01:10:07PM -0700, Ian Collins wrote:
>   On 08/12/11 08:00 AM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> > Are any of you using the Intel 320 as ZIL?  It's MLC based, but I
> > understand its wear and performance characteristics can be bumped up
> > significantly by increasing the overprovisioning to 20% (dropping
> > usable capacity to 80%).
> >
> A log device doesn't have to be larger than a few GB, so that shouldn't 
> be a problem.  I've found even low cost SSDs make a huge difference to 
> the NFS write performance of a pool.

We've been using the X-25E (SLC-based).  It's getting hard to find, and
since we're trying to stick to Intel drives (Nexenta certifies them),
and Intel doesn't have a new SLC drive available until late September,
we're hoping an overprovisioned 320 could fill the gap until then and
perform at least as well as the X-25E.

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