On 12/ 9/11 11:37 AM, Betsy Schwartz wrote:

 On Dec 7, 2011, at 9:50 PM, Ian Collins <i...@ianshome.com> wrote:
On 12/ 7/11 05:12 AM, Mark Creamer wrote:

Since the zfs dataset datastore/zones is created, I don't understand what the 
error is trying to get me to do. Do I have to do:

zfs create datastore/zones/zonemaster

before I can create a zone in that path? That's not in the documentation, so I 
didn't want to do anything until someone can point out my error for me. Thanks 
for your help!

You shouldn't have to, but it won't do any harm.

If you don't get any further, try zones-discuss.
I would also try it without the /zones mountpoint. Putting the zone root dir on 
an alternate mountpoint caused problems for us. Try creating /datastore/zones 
for a zone root home, or just make the zones in  /datastore

Solaris seems to get very easily confused when zone root is anything out of the 
ordinary ( and it really bites you at patch time!)

It shouldn't.

On all my systems, I have:

rpool/zoneRoot  11.6G   214G    40K  /zoneRoot


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