On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 06:07:33PM -0800, Craig Morgan wrote:
> Ray,
> If you are intending to go Nexenta then speak to your local Nexenta SE, 
> we've got HSL qualified solutions which cover our h/w support and we've
> explicitly qualed some MD1200 configs with Dell for certain deployments
> to guarantee support via both Dell h/w support and ourselves.
> If you don't know who that would be drop me a line and I'll find someone
> local to you …
> We tend to go with the LSI cards, but even there there are some issues
> with regard to Dell supply or over the counter.
> Craig

Hi Craig;

Yep, we are doing this.  Just trying to sanity check the suggested
config against what folks are doing "in the wild" as our Dell partner
doesn't seem to think it should/can be done without the MD3200.  They
may have alterior motives of course. :)


> On 6 Jan 2012, at 01:28, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> > We are looking at building a storage platform based on Dell HW + ZFS
> > (likely Nexenta).
> > 
> > Going Dell because they can provide solid HW support globally.
> > 
> > Are any of you using the MD1200 JBOD with head units *without* an
> > MD3200 in front?  We are being told that the MD1200's won't "daisy
> > chain" unless the MD3200 is involved.
> > 
> > We would be looking to use some sort of LSI-based SAS controller on the
> > Dell front-end servers.
> > 
> > Looking to confirm from folks who have this deployed in the wild.
> > Perhaps you'd be willing to describe your setup as well and anything we
> > might need to take into consideration (thinking best option for getting
> > ZIL/L2ARC devices into Dell R510 head units for example in a supported
> > manner).
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Ray
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