Need more info here, what exactly is the root FS, ie zfs?
what kernel rev is current ( uname -a )
is there a specific patch that is being installed.

if so then Live upgrade is best bet, combined with perhaps recommended patch cluster.

apply latest rev of 119254 and 121430 ( SPARC ) or ( 121431 and 119254 ), then use lucreate to create new BE and the installpatchset script in recommended cluster to patch the ABE.

If Live upgrade is not an option, then I suggest going with recommended patch cluster still, it is well tested and the install script is very robust. Depending on what current kernel level is, zones might have to be halted if patching the live BE.

If doing tis manually, then apply latest rev of 119254/119255 ( SPARC/x86 ) patch utils patch first.

On 21/01/2012 10:46, bhanu prakash wrote:
Hi All,

Please let me know the procedure how to patch a server which is having 5
zones on zfs file systems.

Root file system exists on internal disk and zones are existed on SAN.

Thank you all,

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