
Sent to you by David E. via Google Reader: Aaron Toponce: Install ZFS
on Debian GNU/Linux via Planet Ubuntu on 4/17/12

Quick post on installing ZFS as a kernel module, not FUSE, on Debian
GNU/Linux. The documents already exist for getting this going, I’m just
hoping to spread this to a larger audience, in case you are unaware
that it exists.

First, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has been working on
porting the native Solaris ZFS source to the Linux kernel as a kernel
module. So long as the project remains under contract by the Department
of Defense in the United States, I’m confident there will be continuous
updates. You can track the progress of that porting at

Now, download the SPL and ZFS sources. I’m running the latest RC, which
seems to be quite stable:

$ mkdir ~/src/{spl,zfs} $ cd ~/src/spl $ wget $ cd
~/src/zfs $ wget

At this point, you will need to install the dependencies for SPL, then
go ahead and compile and make the necessary .deb files:

$ sudo aptitude install build-essential gawk alien fakeroot
linux-headers-$(uname -r) $ cd ~/src/spl $ tar -xf spl-0.6.0-rc8.tar.gz
$ cd spl-0.6.0-rc8 $ ./configure $ make deb

Now do the same for ZFS:

$ sudo aptitude install zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libblkid-dev libselinux-dev
parted lsscsi $ cd ~/src/zfs $ tar -xf zfs-0.6.0-rc8.tar.gz $ cd
zfs-0.6.0-rc8 $ ./configure $ make deb

You should have built both the SPL and ZFS Debian packages, at which
point you can install:

$ sudo dpkg -i ~/src/{spl,zfs}/*.deb

If you’re running Ubuntu, which I know most of you are, you can install
the packages from the Launchpad PPA

A word of note: the manpages get installed to /share/man/. I found this
troubling. You can modify your $MANPATH variable to
include /share/man/man8/, or by creating symlinks, which is the
approach I took:

# cd /usr/share/man/man8/ # ln -s /share/man/man8/zdb.8 zdb.8 # ln
-s /share/man/man8/zfs.8 zfs.8 # ln -s /share/man/man8/zpool.8 zpool.8

Now, make your zpool, and start playing:

$ sudo zpool create test raidz sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi

It is stable enough to run a ZFS root filesystem on a GNU/Linux
installation for your workstation as something to play around with. It
is copy-on-write, supports compression, deduplication, file atomicity,
off-disk caching, encryption, and much more. At this point,
unfortunately, I’m convinced that ZFS as a Linux kernel module will
become “stable” long before Btrfs will be stable in the mainline
kernel. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me. Both are Free Software,
and both provide the long needed features we’ve needed with today’s
storage needs. Competition is healthy, and I love having choice. Right
now, that choice might just be ZFS.

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