On Apr 26, 2012, at 12:27 AM, Fred Liu wrote:

> “zfs 'userused@' properties” and “'zfs userspace' command” are good enough to 
> gather usage statistics.
> I think I mix that with NetApp. If my memory is correct, we have to set 
> quotas to get usage statistics under DataOnTAP.
> Further, if we can add an ILM-like feature to poll the time-related 
> info(atime,mtime,ctime,etc) with that statistic from ZFS, that will be
> really cool.

In general, file-based ILM has limitations that cause all sorts of issues for 
things like
operating systems, where files might only be needed infrequently, but when they 
needed, they are needed "right now"

Have you looked at "zfs diff"  for changed files?

> Since no one is focusing on enabling default user/group quota now, the 
> temporarily remedy could be a script which traverse all the users/groups
> in the directory tree. Tough it is not so decent.

The largest market for user/group quotas is .edu. But they represent only a 
small market
when measured by $.

There are also many corner cases in this problem space. One might pine for the 
days of
VMS and its file resource management features, those features don't scale well 
to company-
wide LDAP and thousands of file systems.

So, for now, the fastest method to solve the problem might be to script some 
 -- richard

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