On Wed, July 11, 2012 09:45, Sašo Kiselkov wrote:

> I'm not convinced waiting makes much sense. The SHA-3 standardization
> process' goals are different from "ours". SHA-3 can choose to go with
> something that's slower, but has a higher security margin. I think that
> absolute super-tight security isn't all that necessary for ZFS, since
> the hash isn't used for security purposes. We only need something that's
> fast and has a good pseudo-random output distribution. That's why I
> looked toward Edon-R. Even though it might have security problems in
> itself, it's by far the fastest algorithm in the entire competition.

Fair enough, though I think eventually the SHA-3 winner will be
incorporated into hardware (or at least certain instructions used in the
algorithm will). I think waiting a few more weeks/months shouldn't be a
big deal, as the winner should be announced Real Soon Now, and then a more
informed decision can probably be made.

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