Hi Hung-sheng,

Thanks for your response.

I tried to import the zpool using *zpool import -nF tXstpool*
please consider the below output.

*bash-3.2#  zpool import -nF tXstpool
bash-3.2# zpool status tXstpool
cannot open 'tXstpool': no such pool
I got these meesages when I run the command using *truss.*

* truss -aefo /zpool.txt zpool import -F tXstpool*

  742  14582:  ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_STATS, 0x08041F40)        Err#2 ENOENT
  743  14582:  ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_TRYIMPORT, 0x08041F90)    = 0
  744  14582:  sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, "75706560", 11)           = 9
  745  14582:  ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_IMPORT, 0x08041C40)       Err#6 ENXIO
  746  14582:  fstat64(2, 0x08040C70)                          = 0
  747  14582:  write(2, " c a n n o t   i m p o r".., 24)      = 24
  748  14582:  write(2, " :  ", 2)                             = 2
  749  14582:  write(2, " o n e   o r   m o r e  ".., 44)      = 44
  750  14582:  write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
*Thanks & Regards*
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